Youth Forums
Since Stroud District Council approved a youth work strategy in September 2012, work has been carried out to develop local youth forums in nine localities across the district in response to one of the five strategic objectives.
The Youth Forums are groups of young people who volunteer their time to actively work in their communities, having a voice and planning projects to improve their areas for other young people and the community as a whole. We work closely with other local service providers and adult decision makers in response to the needs of young people in the area.
Whilst each forum will provide a recognised local youth voice to the respective area, they will also have representation to Stroud District Youth Council.
For more information about Stroud Youth Voice please visit or join our Facebook page
Cam & Dursley Youth Forum
Cam & Dursley Youth Forum
Day: Every alternate Thursday
Event: Cam & Dursley Youth Forum
Time: 3.15pm – 4.45pm
Location: The Vibe Youth Centre
If you are a young person and would like to get involved or an organisation who would to get in touch please contact the youth worker, Jemma Grieve on 01453 754504 or email