WMRG Pavilion Upgrade: Information
Dursley Town Council have plans for an upgrade to the Pavilion on the War Memorial Recreation Ground (WMRG) which will include a new public toilet facility and additional garage/storage area.
We have obtained planning permission . Construction is planned for the 2024/25 subject to funding.
The Town Council will be applying for grant funding from various sources, therefore should you support this project then we would request that you write to us by letter or email. These can be used to show support from the community that the project is valued and of benefit to the users and visitors to the WMRG.
Toilet Facility
The toilet facility will include a three units which will be available to the general public.
One of the units will meet the requirements of a Changing Place facility (BS8003-2:2018). A Changing Place toilet provides sanitary accommodation for people with multiple and complex disabilities who have one or two assistants with them are designed for people who cannot use a standard accessible toilet.
The other two units will be unisex with the usual toilet facilities.
Changing Places - website link & example layout
Garage/Storage Facility
The project includes an extension of the existing garage to create additional space both for working and storage. Over the last few year's the Town Council have taken on additional duties including the management and maintenance of Highfields Play Area, Long Street Car Park and the Town Hall.
Since 2018 the Town Council have employed three full time grounds staff and more recently a part time Street Cleaning operative has been employed by the Town Council. These staff are based from the Pavilion and with the additional equipment required more working space is needed to store materials etc and carry out works safely.
The extension to the garage will include the facility for an electric vehicle charge point which will allow the Town Council to purchase an more environmentally friendly work vehicle in the near future. The charge point will not be available or general usage as private vehicles are not permitted access to the WMRG.
Contact Us
We would love to hear your views on the proposed project and would invite any comments (positive or negative) to be sent to the Town Clerk, Mr John Kay on or before 8th September 2023.
By Email: clerk@dursleytowncouncil.gov.uk
By Post: Jacob's House, Castle Street, Dursley, Gloucestershire, GL11 4BS.
WMRG Pavilion Upgrade: Existing Site Plan (PDF, 210 Kb)
WMRG Pavilion Upgrade: Existing Site Plan
WMRG Pavilion Upgrade: Site Plan (PDF, 730 Kb)
WMRG Pavilion Upgrade: Site Plan
WMRG Pavilion Upgrade: Floor Plan (PDF, 97 Kb)
WMRG Pavilion Upgrade: Floor Plan
WMRG Pavilion Upgrade: 3D Plan (PDF, 138 Kb)
WMRG Pavilion Upgrade: 3D Plan