Staffing Committee
Staff Committee meeting are held when required with the committee meeting at least twice a year. The meetings are held in the community meeting room, Methodist Church, Castle Street, Dursley.
To find when the next Staff Committee meeting is being held please search on our Council Meeting Diary.
Please note that the press and public will be excluded from those parts of Staff Committee meetings where sensitive and/or personal information is discussed.
The committee is responsible for employment issues but is not a staff disciplinary committee. Council currently employs 5 full time staff - the Town Clerk, an Administration and Accounts Assistant and three amenity groundsmen and they are aided by two part-time officers plus outside contractors.
Upcoming agendas, papers and a record of the minutes are available on our document register.
Committee Members
Cllr Sue Creswick
Cllr Peter Hayes
Cllr John Rubin
Cllr Alex Stennett
Cllr Toby Stride
Staff Committee - Terms of Reference (PDF, 85 Kb)
Adopted by Council on 7th November 2017.