21st January 2025

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Mayor's Christmas Message 2024

Cllr Alex Stennett Dursley Town Mayor

So it's Christmas time again and I hope you are all ready for a wonderful break spent with family and friends. Let's spare a thought though for those people and businesses still struggling in difficult times. We have wonderful organisations doing the best they can to help people in need but anything you do could make a huge difference to somebody at this time of year. Check in on a neighbour. Say "hi" to a friend you may not have spoken to in a while. Help others out if you are able. Check out our small local businesses and try and support them where you can. Let's see if we can spread a little extra cheer where it may be lacking.

Looking back at the year past there are plenty of things to be proud of in our town. There are too many events to name them all but the likes of our farmers and craft markets, educational (and simply fun!) courses, Dursley After Hours, concerts and shows throughout the year from many organisations and many, many more hopefully kept us smiling. On the War Memorial Recreation Ground we had visits from the fair, Pride, fireworks and still managed to provide pitches for our local teams who I believe had another good year. We welcomed walkers, Pedersen cyclists and even Abba (sort of!) at the Chantry Centre. We remembered the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings and the National Gallery art road trip came to town.

Most recently we switched on the Christmas lights and, yet again, the town turned out in impressive numbers to shop, see Santa and generally celebrate the festive season.

For a town our size this is an impressive array of events and it would not have been possible without so many dedicated volunteers, local organisations, traders, Councillors and staff of the Town Council coming together to put them on. I would like to personally thank you all for giving up your time to make these activities and projects possible as well as every member of the public for joining us on these occasions. Every time I attend these events, I am amazed at what a fantastic community we have and the level of community spirit.I look forward to what the coming year brings and, if you would like to know more then please do check out the town council website (www.dursleytowncouncil.gov.uk).

On behalf of all the Councillors and staff at Dursley Town Council, I wish you all a happy, safe and healthy Christmas and a peaceful new year.

Cllr Alex Stennett, Dursley Town Mayor

Posted: Thu, 19 Dec 2024

Tags: Mayor's Christmas Message