Leslie D Gale Awards 2019
This afternoon our Deputy Mayor, Cllr Mandy Woodward presented Leslie D Gale "Unsung Hero" awards to Doris Holbrook and Gwyneth Peglar.
Doris and Gwen have been nominated for running the Friendship Club which meets each month in the Parish Centre over the last 17 years. They provide entertainment, a hot drink, chat and most importantly friendship for those who attend.
Coach trips and meals out are regularly organised for their members who would find it difficult to do so otherwise.
Doris is also a volunteer at the day centre.
Should you wish to join the Friendship Club, they meet at the St James' Parish Centre, Dursley, GL11 4JE on the first Wednesday of the month from 2:00 to 4:00pm. More Information can be obtained by contacting Doris on 01453 548582 or emailing: dorisholbrook@btinternet.com
Posted: Wed, 5 Jun 2019