21st December 2024

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Serving the people of Dursley

Dursley in Bloom

The members of Dursley in Bloom are all volunteers and they give their time to maintain the borders, hanging baskets, planters across the town. This is quite a task, especially with the hot weather experienced in 2022 and more volunteers are required to aim for gold in 2023 and beyond.

The group have been responsible for many Gold awards in the annual Britain in Bloom competitions and Dursley is also a former small town category winner.

If you are interested in helping the team please contact the Chair, Penny Hyde by email pennyhyde46@hotmail.co.uk


The volunteers of Dursley in Bloom meet monthly to discuss plans for the future floral displays in the town. The team encourages local businesses and organisations to become involved in a series of ideas to brighten up our town.

If you wish to help in any way, large or small with future "Dursley in Bloom" projects, please contact Penny Hyde on the email link below.

Dursley In Bloom

Dursley In Bloom

Last updated: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 14:07